Grandparents Days! (RSVP by Friday, September 21st)

Grandparents Days

Wednesday, Sept 26th (Grades 3 & 7)

Wednesday, Oct 3th (Grades 1 & 5)

Grandparents are invited to spend the morning with their OLG grandchildren on the dates noted above. The day involves: 

8:30am Students meet their grandparent(s) Church commons  

9:00 All School Mass

Following Mass until 11am Classroom visits and hospitality  

Parents, please complete the RSVP form below. 

Click here for the Grade 3/7 form.

Click here for the Grade 1/5 form.
If there are grandparents who cannot attend Grandparents Days this year, but would like to have their information in our system for occasional school information and updates, you can complete this form on their behalf.