Top 10 Tips for Carpooling
Prepare belongings to have items fit in or clip to a single bag (there will be the "Lucky Duck" snack days and other items once in a while, but on balance, items should be easily carried into school)
Remind your child that staff will be throughout campus (inside and out) to help them navigate to their classroom
Take "first day of school" photos and do big hugs at home
Have children load and unload from the sidewalk on the passenger side. No child should be navigating between cars.
Drivers and non-school passengers stay in vehicles. If you need assistance, put on your hazards and staff will assist.
Do not drop off or pick up on nearby streets or businesses.
The alley just reopened and the bike rack is in the courtyard. Due to construction on campus and surrounding streets and no safe thoroughfare on campus, we discourage walking and biking for the opening weeks.
For young children, help your child recognize their car and last name.
Help your child practice buckling harnesses, seat belts, etc. on their own.
Please do not create your own carpool on surrounding streets.