School Year Tutors/Lessons for Students in Grades K-8
See the OLG Academy Policies page for complete details.
Tutors for Students in Grades K-8
Tutoring sessions are 60 minutes and $75/hour. Billing is done monthly through TADs, based on the number of times you sign-up.
Ms. B - morning and afternoon openings
Ms. B knows how to make learning fun! She offers tutoring to challenge or reinforce all areas of learning working closely with parents and classroom teachers to ensure she is meeting each child's needs. Ms. B has experience with grades K-5. Available before and after school.
Miss G - morning openings
Miss G has experience across all grades! She enjoys helping students who need extra support in reading or math. She will partner with parents and classroom teachers to help each student she works with continue to grow. Miss G tutors students grades K-4.
Ms. Kron - morning openings
Miss Kron is a master with our young learners! She can help your child continue to build their early reading and math skills, working with parents and teachers to focus on what each child needs. Miss Kron tutors students in grades K-1.
Senora Fagerlie (Spanish) - afternoon openings
Build on your Spanish learning with Senora Fagerlie. Her tutoring sessions will continue to immerse students in the Spanish language and culture. If you liked her summer immersion class, join her for some tutoring! Open to grades K-5.